It's old Mrs. Bower next door
Working outside on the garden floor
Wearing the trousers
That Old Man Bower wore
He left this earth years ago
I see she never threw out his clothes
She wears his old man hat
Which comes down to her noes
Oh what a beautiful flower Mrs. Bower
Sometimes she's wearing his overcoat
Pulling the weeds out like a poet
Piling roots and leaves like words
She wishes she never wrote
Old Mrs. Bower knows what to do
When hungry animals two by two
Come down the path to eat in her garden
She throws Mr. Bower's shoe
Oh what a beautiful flower Mrs. Bower
She brings me green beans for my dinner
She won't stay long because she has good manners
She sweeps the leaves off her welcome mat
Mr. and MRs. Bower home sweet home
Old Mrs. Bower lives alone
Harvesting flowers and vegetable poems
Tending her garden
In Old Man Bower's clothes
Tending her garden
In Mr. Bower's clothes
Oh what a beautiful flower Mrs. Bower